Despite the dumbfounded expression of astonishment and awe that settled over my face as I watched this video, I actually had the mental strength to form some thoughts and opinions and even ask myself a few questions. The most pressing concern in my mind was that music is missing in Hip Hop. To see this display of what seemed to be raw emotion take over the song and redefine it's strengths and weaknesses was impressive. Where is the music? The invention of samplers and sequencers was a glorious day in Hip Hop, but it also created a culture that was programmed to a fault. 16,8,16,8,16,8, and on, and on, and on. Why do I have to describe quality music production as "musical"? Why do I have to describe music as "musical"?!?! But I'll leave that at that...
I don't think I've ever been more impressed of a certain type of a musician than I have been of drummers. Their skill and intensity seems unreal to me. Not only the rhythm and timing but the physical strength it takes to accomplish perfection in their craft. I imagine that it's therapeutic. I imagine that within the confines of that drum set the world seems distant and miniscule, and that the noise of life can not overpower the thunder that extends through the air with every strike. These are just some of the random thoughts that entered my mind as I soaked in every second of this video...don't sleep...sleep is for birds.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Travis Barker's take on Busta Rhymes
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
It's the pressure of life that makes me stop..
It may seem that my focus is elsewhere...and you are probably right. Having the responsibility to report my thoughts and to try to bring a cultural experience to readers is more of a weight than I expected. It's easy to get caught up in life, and certain aspects get lost in the mix. That is the challenge. With all the other struggles that we as people face, balance is maybe the most significant and is almost unobtainable. What you take from one facet of your existence you apply to another. It sounds simple, but what is not fully realized is that you can never take or give in equal amounts. Certain areas of your life require more attention at certain times than others, and it's knowing what your priorities are that keep you in balance...or at least from tipping over. Unfortunately, my life is unbalanced.
I'm a musician, a husband, a son, a working man, and a friend to many, but I am not balanced. It's hard to hold the weight of your world in your left and right hands with your arms outstretched and still hold your strength indefinitely. Examine my words. Know who I am by reading what I just wrote. Am I wrong for choosing one over the other? I have a passion that tends to overpower everything else I do. I have a passion that has the power to force me to give up everything else, and I don't know why.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
There Will Be Change
Here in the last year I have come to realize that nothing is guaranteed and everything is dependant on everything else. Although I have always known this, the idea seems more relevant with the recent occurrences in my life and in the lives of the people around me. From the loss of a good friend to the ever-changing dynamic of the music scene I'm involved in, life is unstable. Good news is often offset by developments that could not have been foreseen and it makes me question my inspiration behind the sacrifices I make. It all works out in the end. It all comes out in the wash...I'm not so sure.
Everyday I struggle, and though I thank the higher beings for being blessed with the life I have, I struggle. The adversity does bring about positive results, though. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, of that I am certain. With failure comes experience and with triumph comes confidence, and it is a mixture of the two that keep my determination and my dedication from collapsing inward upon my soul. This is not a bleak outlook. This is real life acknowledgements of fact and fiction. Don't Sleep...Sleep is for Birds...
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What makes you make music?
What makes you make music? That is the question that I pose to any person out there striving to make success or just simply looking for a musical outlet. What is the drive behind the actions you choose to take regarding your artform? There are some things I don't understand, and some things I choose not to even devote the time to even try to comprehend. Whether it be ignorance on my part, or a refusal to manipulate my integrity, I don't know. But what I do know is that there are multiple motivations and motives behind all different types of music. In the world of Hip Hop (which unfortunately mainstream "rap" is intertwined with actual quality music), there are many different facets that make up the whole. What makes them work? I know why I do it. I enjoy it. I make my music to primarily make the music and any financial gain that comes secondary is not only welcome but sought after. But what is the reasoning when the motives are strictly financial? I just don't understand. Mainstream rappers, for the majority, aren't creative artists, they are recording artists. Everything is prepared for them including beat selection and lyrics. They show up with their "swagger" and an empty soul and call it music.
I don't understand how any one could go through their life and their most-likely short lived career as an empty shell and a puppet. What is the fulfilment in that? Granted it might be lucrative, but music that can't inspire isn't really music. I make music and listen to music to inspire. My word is the most powerful tool I possess. Not because it's a cliche thing to say, but because it can spread through worldly barriers. I could be dead broke, but I'd still be able to speak. I make music because the music makes me. I make music because without the rhythmic patterns and intense, inspirational content, life just ain't the same. I just don't understand. Don't Sleep...Sleep is for Birds...
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
This week in Dallas Hip Hop...
I've made a concious effort not to make my blog and my writings focused solely on Dallas Hip Hop. My intentions are not to close out where I come from, but to reach a wider audience and send a broader message. However, I love the city I live in and all it's flaws. We have a lot of dedicated artists that deserve success in every way. I now present...This week in Dallas Hip Hop....
Monday May 5th, 2008:
Tuesday May 6th, 2008:
Wednesday May 7th, 2008:
Thursday May 8th, 2008:
Friday May 9th, 2008:
Saturday May 10th, 2008:






Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Recognize the Grind: DJ Nemeses

In a world where "mixtape" has lost it's meaning, there are always going to be musicians that stay true to the art. These are not throw-away tracks designed to keep the ever shrinking attention span of a nation drowning in complacency. This is real Hip Hop. This is DJ Nemeses. Touting such accomplishments as back-to-back two time Guitar Center Spin Off Southern Regional Champ and an impressive Pepsi commercial, DJ Nemeses knows how to manipulate vinyl and needles into a musical fury that is as incredible as it is innovative. With the recent release of "Lucha Live", a free mixtape, DJ Nemeses is set once again to make his mark on Hip Hop.
Aside from being an amazing DJ, Nemeses is a true supporter of Hip Hop Culture. Involving himself in many revolutionary events such as The Resound, a event local to Dallas, Tx that incorpates 4 DJ's and multiple turntables into one big jam session, DJ Nemeses stays connected to his fan base. Opening for the likes of ?uestlove and Pete Rock, he continuously finds himself as the go to DJ in Dallas for national and local acts. His new mixtape "Lucha Live", available for free download, reinforces the fact that DJ Nemeses has the ability to deliver his music to a mass audience all the while staying dedicated to his art form. Turntablism lives on. Don't Sleep...Sleep is for Birds... Read more!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
We Blame "Them"
In one word.
...But maybe that isn't so accurate. Maybe it is despair or even fear that pushes me towards what I'm trying to achieve. Maybe it's the fear of being nothing. Scared to blend in with the blurred surroundings. My life is moving fast. Maybe too fast. At such high speeds...the inertia keeps me restrained. The inertia...keeps me in my place while I'm being proprelled further through an atmosphere that I do not yet understand. The invisible forces play to my weaknesses and strengths, they do not seek a solid definition. They are they cuz they have always been, and they always will be, and we can never stop them. But what is it I'm really speaking of? We blame "them" for the simple fact that we have no one to point the finger at...and they keep it that way. We blame "them" simply because we find it hard to blame ourselves. It had to be them, cuz it damn sure wasn't me...
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Jean Grae's Speculated Reitirement
The word has spread. The message has been sent. Jean Grae is set to retire...or is she? There is a lot of speculation derived from Jean Grae's Myspace and a vague blog post that is more focused on feelings than actual facts. Never once does Jean Grae ever even mention the word retirement or anything similar. But what if she does retire? Can any one really blame her?
This "news" really hit home when I first caught wind of it this morning. In a Hip Hop culture that is bogged down by major corporations and the money they pour into mainstream music, the motivation to keep doing what independent artists do is almost non-existent. It's not even the fact that the money isn't behind what we do. It's not that mainstream America doesn't understand, and probably never will understand, what we do. It's the slap in the face that we receive from supposed "Hip Hop Heads". Nobody cares. Nobody is motivated. Nobody wants to put in work. Everybody complains. What happened to our work ethic? What happened to the belief in dedication and sacrifice in order to spread your influence and achieve your dreams? It has been lost, and as a direct result you can see and sense the frustration and desperation of artists like Jean Grae. Not desperate in the sense she can't sell records, but desperate in the sense that there is no future in what we do. We seem to make music with no direction. There is no unity, there is no brotherhood, and if continues on, there is no future. Don't sleep...sleep is for birds...
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Planet B-Boy coming to Dallas!
Planet B-Boy
Just by watching the trailer for Planet B-Boy I can tell that this is a must see film documenting the art and culture of Break Dancing. You won't catch me missing this for anything. I've always been fascinated with the body mechanics that go into Break Dancing and the physical strength and awareness it takes to be skilled in the techniques of Break Dancing. Planet B-Boy is guaranteed to draw the B-Boy crowd but how about all of us MC's, Producers, Graff Artists, and DJ's show some love and support as well. There has been talk around Dallas lately about the dividing line that has some how come between MC's and B-Boys. Is this an imaginary line or is it real and reinforced by different artistic views when it comes to Hip-Hop?
Real or not the issue is more than just a figment of the imagination. It is more than a misconception or a misunderstanding, and it is damaging to the progression of our culture as a whole. We all have the same roots, but as the branches expand we seem to grow more distant. Planet B-Boy can help us reconnect. Don't sleep...Sleep is for Birds...
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Does Your Dedication Match Your Sacrifice? Part I...
The rains starting to come down outside. Weather warnings and tornado watches have been issued in counties to your west. The Radar is showing that the brunt of the storm might graze you and you have a forty-five minute drive to make it to a local show that most likely no one will be at. Does your dedication match your sacrifice?
You started the day on three hours of sleep. You got home the night before at three o' clock in the morning and woke up at six to be able to make it to work on time. You worked outside in the sun for ten hours, and when you got home there wasn't any time for a nap. You took a shower and hit the road. You got home at three and woke up at six. Does your dedication match your sacrifice?
Your stuck with juggling the needs of your family with the needs of your music. A delicate balance that can be off-kilter at times. Hard work and late nights stress your relationships. Does your dedication match your sacrifice?
Gas prices are at an all time high. The cost of living is steadily increasing. The dollar just isn't at the strength it once was, but you still have an obligation to your art. Does your dedication match your sacrifice?
Sleep is for Birds...
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Rock The Bells 2008
Rock The Bells
So it's that time again! Rock the Bells is back for 2008 with another supremely impressive line up. Boasting artists such as Tribe Called Quest, Nas, Mos Def, The Pharcyde, De La Soul, Method Man & Redman, select Wu Tang members, Rakim, and hosted by B-Real of Cypress Hill and Supernatural...can it get any better?!?! Rock the Bells made their official announcement yesterday, April 22 2008, and I can only imagine it was very well received. 2008 marks the first year that the Rock The Bells Hip Hop Music Festival will go international!! Yes sir, that's keeps getting better...
Although the tour dates as of now seem to be at a bare minimum Rock the Bells has been known to add last minute tour dates as the Hip Hop Music Festival makes it's way across the nation and leaves heads nodding in it's wake. Dallas just happened to be so lucky last year, but due to the fact that, by Rock The Bells standards, the turnout was dismal...I don't plan on seeing them back to Texas anytime soon. The tour actually cancelled it's Houston tour date due to lack of pre-sale tickets. This is the state I live in, this is the state we live in, and it's what we have to deal with as local artists on a daily basis. I will never forget being front and center when Wu-Tang hit the stage. Hidden behind a giant Wu-Tang branded flag...people went crazy! I was pressed up against the security gates for the whole performance. It made me think though. Where is all that love and energy on a daily basis?? Is Hip Hop really in a state where nobody gets excited about new artists anymore. As more and more True School Hip Hop heads turn mainstream, and the ones that refuse to crossover continue to disappoint...isn't it time for new blood. Or at least a rejuvenation of the old blood that's been circulating through the veins of our culture for years. There is hope. Rock The Bells and The Paid Dues Festival give me that hope every year. To see them go through cities, unfortunately not mine, and see them sell out shows with an incredible uncompromised line up, makes me proud to do what I do. Keeps me motivated to push my music and push my events to elevate them to the international level. We need this...don't sleep, Sleep is for Birds...
To get complete details visit Rock The Bells.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Kill Your Television
Originally posted by Apollo at Lone Star Hip Hop
The television has irrefutably changed the landscape of industrialized nations’ cultures across the globe indefinitely. The far-reaching effects of this relatively new technology are still being discovered and researched, even now as the television seems to have become an intrinsic part of American society.
Most people seem to agree about a few positive benefits provided by the television; the almost immediate transfer of news and information, a fairly diverse and creative availability of programming that includes many educational shows, and it also combines visual and auditory stimuli which has been shown in recent studies to be healthy in moderation for developing minds.
But what advertisers and media corporations aren’t so willing to openly discuss are the overwhelming problems arising in the United States which are largely associated with our dependence on the television, and the avid fervor with which we succumb ourselves to its flashy and fast-paced tantalizations.
Physical inactivity (and the slew of health issues that come along with that including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.), inaccurate perceptions of reality, behavioral concerns and rising amounts of mental passivity are all increasing at an exponential rate.
According to the Weight-control Information Network, with nearly 70 percent of American adults overweight (nearly half of them being obese), turning off your television in exchange for nearly any other activity is one of the healthiest things any individual can do.
Beyond obvious physical repercussions of the inactivity associated with watching television, researchers across the globe are discovering frighteningly strong correlations between dysfunctional behavioral concerns and the number of hours spent in front of the picture tube.
According to a study released by Reuters Health, kids who spend more time watching TV, regardless of the content of the programming, are more likely to behave aggressively and have other types of social problems.
"Prolonged television watching may be considered to be one of the new symptoms of this era of technology, and it deserves more attention and evaluation in every aspect," write study author Dr. Elif Ozmert of Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey and colleagues. "Families should be advised to restrict the television viewing hours of their children and to encourage them to participate in active peer relationships."
But the changes often occurring in those who watch television are not merely contingent on an excessive amount of time spent in front of it, but oftentimes arise from the format itself.
“While watching television, the viewer is not seeing the world as it is. He or she is looking at a world created by advertising. Television programs are put together with the conscious attitude of promoting a consumer society,” according to Ron Kaufman in his review of Jerry Mander's ‘Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television.’
“The multitude of technical events and special effects that saturate the viewer throughout an average dose of television occur with such rapid frequency that any response is essentially eliminated,” said Kaufman.
"Since television images move more quickly than a viewer can react, one has to chase after them with the mind," Mander originally said in the book.
“Television watching is not active, it is passive. Both the viewer's mind and body do not react, and cannot react,” said Kaufman.
Mander calls such television imagery a form of sleep teaching. That is to say that advertisers and networks don't want viewers to actively engage in thought, they want them to just be good consumers and spend money on their products. And according to John Condry’s book ‘The Psychology of Television,’ the medium of TV most certainly has the capacity to shape society in such a way.
"Television influences human behavior because their are 'routes' or mechanisms whereby the content of television can have an effect on what we do, and on how we act," says Condry. "Part of television's influence comes about because of how we learn (by observation and imitation), because of how we respond to certain kinds of story material (arousal/desensitization), and because of the structure of our inhibitions and the way television provides the kind of stimulation necessary to release them (disinhibition)."
By shaping our attitudes, beliefs and judgments, Condry argues that television watchers are subjecting themselves to behavioral mechanisms that may guide future actions. The images TV places in our minds will inevitably mold and distort our reality into one we believe is true. Whether these negative aspects of television are intentional or not is debatable, but the effects are real none-the-less.
"There's no question machines will be smarter than people," said John Malone, president of Tele-Communications Inc. (the nation's largest cable operator), at the National Cable Television Association convention in Dallas. "And we won't have to think so hard."
Television may have certain positives, and arguably has proven beneficial for aspects American society’s development and progression, but I would not dare to go so far as saying that it is a good thing. People are fading further and further away from any form of community in exchange for solitary entertainment and an overabundance of advertising encouraging unsustainable consumer behaviors. We’re getting lethargic and unhealthy, loosing our sense of reality, and programming ourselves to sit back and take it all with a grin.
Where’s the TIVO, I want to record our downfall for viewing at a more convenient time...?
As an ode to our pixilated protagonist, I leave you with this verse from Gil Scott-Heron’s poem ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised;”
The revolution will not be right back after a message
about a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
You will not have to worry about a germ in your bedroom,
a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.
The revolution will not go better with Coke.
The revolution will not fight the germs that cause bad breath.
The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat.
The revolution will not be televised, WILL not be televised,
The revolution will be no re-run brothers;
The revolution will be live......
Peace (though more likely war),
Peace (though more likely war)-
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Red Bull Word Clash
Red Bull Word Clash
I must have been dead asleep back in 2006 when the seemingly world-renowned Red Bull Word Clash last took it's grip on American subculture society. Actually, I most likely was asleep on the train working crazy hours on the railroad, but that's besides the point. The Word Clash is/was (not quite sure if it is still in the works since I can't find any current information) a political and social wake up call in the form of a nationwide spoken word event. Founded in 2002, it has received a wide-spread reputation for it's outspoken nature. The poets and lyricist you see in the video are not scared. They are not fearful of what their words can incite, and as a matter of fact, they welcome the intense emotion that they can extract from any person with just the slightest amount of free thought. Some might say that it is ironic and contradictory that an event based on revolution and political and social awareness is sponsored and funded by a major corporation, but why?Is it wrong to use the resources that are available? In fact, I think it makes even more of an impact to take a major corporation and use their money to achieve your agenda. I do not pretend that big business doesn't get exactly what they are looking for...advertisement, but what we can extract from the same situation is so much more influential. The video above is from 2006! It still invokes an incredible revolutionary mindset for those who are willing to receive the message, and it will continue to do so every time someone digs it up from the archives. Words like the ones spoken at the Word Clash rarely fade away. Although, not always in the forefront of society, they still remain. The fact that it is now 2008 and I'm speaking on this like it's brand new just reaffirms the fact that Sleep is for Birds....
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Monday, April 21, 2008
EXCLUSIVE!! Interview with Rob Viktum!
So we finally tracked down the elusive Rob Viktum and cornered him into answering some questions for us. When I say us, I mean me, but I thought it sounded more professional!! Anywayz, back to the point. If ya'll haven't heard Rob Viktum has recently remixed Hangar 18's "Sweep the Leg" album...and it's freakin' bananas!! I have had the pleasure of hearing the remix album before it's release and let me say it is an incredible piece of work. Sample-based production combined with unique synthesizers and an intuitive feel produced by the hands of the amazing Rob Viktum, just solidifies the fact that Rob is steadily on his way to success. Now for the facts...Hangar 18 & Rob Viktum "Sweep the Leg: Viktumized" will be available for FREE download TOMORROW APRIL 22, 2008 via DEFINITIVE JUX and Rappers I!! So don't sleep...cuz we all know that Sleep is for Birds!! So here it is people...the Exclusive interview with Rob Viktum!!
Sleep is for Birds...: So I'm guessing that Rob Viktum isn't the name given to you at birth. What's the story behind the name and why did you decide it meant that much to you?
Rob Viktum: What do you mean, how did i get my name? My mother gave it to people always think there is a story to this....hahahaha, just, I got the name Rob Viktum as a tribute to the good friends that stole all my equipment from my studio in 99. A few close friends of mine, and myself knew who it was and went to go get the stuff back, but the culprits had been planning this for awhile apparently because they had already left town. So I took the name as revenge, so hopefully one day the name will become a sore in their soul.
Sleep is for Birds...: Now that the introduction is out the way, I see, and have been blessed to hear, that you have a remix "Viktumized" album with Hangar 18. How did that come about and what are the details on it's release?
Rob Viktum: The Hangar 18 remix album came about a few months when i signed on with the same management company as Hangar. We have ben friends for years, and even before this I was going to work with them, but it never panned out. So when my management suggested I remix their most recent album I didnt think twice about it.
Sleep is for Birds...: What is your honest opinion of the Hip Hop culture locally and nationwide, and in what ways, if needed, do you think that the national and local scenes could improve or strengthen?
Rob Viktum: My honest opinion about hiphop is, there is hope out there. It may seem dark and apocolyptic, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel. There truly are people who are rooted in the foundation of this culture, who are still making music. Old folks, and Young folks. Now the DFW scene...WOW....well, I think the thing that really sets us back is how spread out we are. People live in FT. Worth, and Richardson, Euless, on and on and on. Its just hard to know whats going on. Maybe one day our scene here will thrive.
Sleep is for Birds...: Let's move on to more of a creative vibe. What have you as an artists been trying to achieve lately that will set you apart from all other producers in the Hip Hop world?
Rob Viktum: What im trying to achieve to set me apart is adding to the basics. I'm a sample based producer, but I want to add to what I sample. However there is a trick to doing so. You cant sample, chop up a sample, and just add standard synths or strings to the sample. There is a science to it. I wont bore you with the details on the process I use, but its lots of reading, and research.
Sleep is for Birds...: I understand that you have actual musical training and that you had very influential parents when it came to music and art. How has this helped you in the creation of your music?
Rob Viktum: My musical training has helped me out tremendously. The ability to identify chord changes in samples, and follow them with your instrumentation is vital. Not just the musical training I had, but the amount of exposure to other forms of music, really expanded my horizons.
Sleep is for Birds...: What is one story, through all your adventures in Hip Hop, that stands out in your memory?
Rob Viktum: I think the most vivd memory is driving all the way to LA, to participate in the first Paid Dues festival, and getting my car totalled in the first 15 minutes I was in town, will always be the best memory.
Sleep is for Birds...: Do you have any more projects or ideas that you are working on at the moment, and if so, how do I get the exclusive?!?! haha...
Rob Viktum: Im always working on something. I've just started working on my new solo record (4 years since my last solo record). That will be something special for me, But in the mean time, Im about to hit the Road with Mr Dibbs, and I will have a tour only album and shirt coming out to support that venture, so be on the lookout.
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
Buckshot & 9th Wonder: The Formula
So by now most of ya'll should know that Buckshot & 9th Wonder have once again joined forces to release another album. As a follow up to their success as a duo in 2005 with "Chemistry", the anticipation for "The Formula" is steadily growing. Set to release on April 29th, this album can easily be thought of as a cornerstone for Hip Hop in 2008. There have been music videos circulating around the internet, and from what I can tell...this album won't disappoint. The word...PHENOMENAL. And the fact that this duo is proven to work well together could propel "The Formula" into getting the attention that it most likely deserves. With limited guest appearances (one of which is Talib Kweli) Buckshot & 9th Wonder seem to rely on eachother to make the project as good as it can get. There is very little doubt in my mind that this album will help to appease the hunger that we have been stricken with for so many years. Fans can pre-order "The Formula" from the The Duck Down Website, which includes a limited edition t-shirt, or wait until it drops in stores. Until then...peep out the music videos and remember...Sleep is for Birds...
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
For those that don't know, whether you are in Texas or not, there is already a growing community in place where independent artists go to kick it. Lone Star Hip Hop was created with the intent to bridge the gap between the music scenes of the major cities in Texas, but the concept can spread so much further. We want to see movement and growth in Hip Hop, and we want to be a part of that movement and growth. Check us out in Dallas on Wednesdays nights and keep an eye out for our Hip Hop Showcase "Fresh Air".
Click the banner to join the forums!!!!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
First things first...The Hijacked Ep VIKTUMIZED!!!
And the best part is....IT'S FREE!! My man Rob Viktum really came through with this one. He took my solo EP, which was originally produced by the homie GF Scoob, and remixed it. It's available for free download on, and just to show how generous I am, I'll supply the link!!
Click the banner to join the forums!!!!
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...and so it begins...
So basically this is where it begins, but in the same sense, we are nearing the end of the line. The creation of this blog, in my mind at least, is the last stand. The last stronghold in an uphill battle to inject awareness and originality back into the Hip Hop culture. My purpose is simple...provide what is needed. I intend to chronicle the everyday struggle and stress involved with being an artist and juggling real world responsibility. I plan to document the sacrifice it takes to be able to create music and make people listen...but most importantly...I am going to attempt to bring forth the support and love that has seemed to thin out over the years. So remember...Sleep is for Birds.... Read more!