Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's the pressure of life that makes me stop..

It may seem that my focus is elsewhere...and you are probably right. Having the responsibility to report my thoughts and to try to bring a cultural experience to readers is more of a weight than I expected. It's easy to get caught up in life, and certain aspects get lost in the mix. That is the challenge. With all the other struggles that we as people face, balance is maybe the most significant and is almost unobtainable. What you take from one facet of your existence you apply to another. It sounds simple, but what is not fully realized is that you can never take or give in equal amounts. Certain areas of your life require more attention at certain times than others, and it's knowing what your priorities are that keep you in balance...or at least from tipping over. Unfortunately, my life is unbalanced.

I'm a musician, a husband, a son, a working man, and a friend to many, but I am not balanced. It's hard to hold the weight of your world in your left and right hands with your arms outstretched and still hold your strength indefinitely. Examine my words. Know who I am by reading what I just wrote. Am I wrong for choosing one over the other? I have a passion that tends to overpower everything else I do. I have a passion that has the power to force me to give up everything else, and I don't know why.

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