It may seem that my focus is elsewhere...and you are probably right. Having the responsibility to report my thoughts and to try to bring a cultural experience to readers is more of a weight than I expected. It's easy to get caught up in life, and certain aspects get lost in the mix. That is the challenge. With all the other struggles that we as people face, balance is maybe the most significant and is almost unobtainable. What you take from one facet of your existence you apply to another. It sounds simple, but what is not fully realized is that you can never take or give in equal amounts. Certain areas of your life require more attention at certain times than others, and it's knowing what your priorities are that keep you in balance...or at least from tipping over. Unfortunately, my life is unbalanced.
I'm a musician, a husband, a son, a working man, and a friend to many, but I am not balanced. It's hard to hold the weight of your world in your left and right hands with your arms outstretched and still hold your strength indefinitely. Examine my words. Know who I am by reading what I just wrote. Am I wrong for choosing one over the other? I have a passion that tends to overpower everything else I do. I have a passion that has the power to force me to give up everything else, and I don't know why.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
It's the pressure of life that makes me stop..
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
There Will Be Change
Here in the last year I have come to realize that nothing is guaranteed and everything is dependant on everything else. Although I have always known this, the idea seems more relevant with the recent occurrences in my life and in the lives of the people around me. From the loss of a good friend to the ever-changing dynamic of the music scene I'm involved in, life is unstable. Good news is often offset by developments that could not have been foreseen and it makes me question my inspiration behind the sacrifices I make. It all works out in the end. It all comes out in the wash...I'm not so sure.
Everyday I struggle, and though I thank the higher beings for being blessed with the life I have, I struggle. The adversity does bring about positive results, though. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, of that I am certain. With failure comes experience and with triumph comes confidence, and it is a mixture of the two that keep my determination and my dedication from collapsing inward upon my soul. This is not a bleak outlook. This is real life acknowledgements of fact and fiction. Don't Sleep...Sleep is for Birds...
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What makes you make music?
What makes you make music? That is the question that I pose to any person out there striving to make success or just simply looking for a musical outlet. What is the drive behind the actions you choose to take regarding your artform? There are some things I don't understand, and some things I choose not to even devote the time to even try to comprehend. Whether it be ignorance on my part, or a refusal to manipulate my integrity, I don't know. But what I do know is that there are multiple motivations and motives behind all different types of music. In the world of Hip Hop (which unfortunately mainstream "rap" is intertwined with actual quality music), there are many different facets that make up the whole. What makes them work? I know why I do it. I enjoy it. I make my music to primarily make the music and any financial gain that comes secondary is not only welcome but sought after. But what is the reasoning when the motives are strictly financial? I just don't understand. Mainstream rappers, for the majority, aren't creative artists, they are recording artists. Everything is prepared for them including beat selection and lyrics. They show up with their "swagger" and an empty soul and call it music.
I don't understand how any one could go through their life and their most-likely short lived career as an empty shell and a puppet. What is the fulfilment in that? Granted it might be lucrative, but music that can't inspire isn't really music. I make music and listen to music to inspire. My word is the most powerful tool I possess. Not because it's a cliche thing to say, but because it can spread through worldly barriers. I could be dead broke, but I'd still be able to speak. I make music because the music makes me. I make music because without the rhythmic patterns and intense, inspirational content, life just ain't the same. I just don't understand. Don't Sleep...Sleep is for Birds...
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
This week in Dallas Hip Hop...
I've made a concious effort not to make my blog and my writings focused solely on Dallas Hip Hop. My intentions are not to close out where I come from, but to reach a wider audience and send a broader message. However, I love the city I live in and all it's flaws. We have a lot of dedicated artists that deserve success in every way. I now present...This week in Dallas Hip Hop....
Monday May 5th, 2008:
Tuesday May 6th, 2008:
Wednesday May 7th, 2008:
Thursday May 8th, 2008:
Friday May 9th, 2008:
Saturday May 10th, 2008:




